Intricacies of Employee Retention: Unraveling the Interwoven threads of Work Environment, Career Development and Job Satisfaction


  • Amin Ullah Khan M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, Qurtuba University of Science & Information Technology, D.I. Khan.
  • Syed Salman Ali Shah Lecturer, Higher Education Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Government College of Commerce No, 2 Bannu.
  • Faiza Raza Teaching Associate School of Business and Management Queen Mary University of London
  • Irshad Bibi M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, Qurtuba University of Science & Information Technology, D.I. Khan.


The descriptive study aimed to explore the relationship between Working Environment (WE), Career Development (CD), and Employee Retention (ER), with a focus on the mediating role of Job Satisfaction (JS) in the context of the banking sector. The study gathered data from employees in various banks in District Bannu, Kpk, Pakistan selecting a sample of 168 participants through convenient sampling. The research employed a questionnaire generated via Google Forms, utilizing a five-point Likert scale. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 27. The findings of the study revealed a statistically significant difference in employee retention based on gender, as evidenced by the results of the independent sample T-test. Additionally, the correlation coefficient analysis indicated a significant relationship between Work Environment, Career Development, and Employee Retention. Furthermore, the multiple regression analysis demonstrated that Job Satisfaction played a significant partial mediating role in the relationship between Work Environment, Career Development, and Employee Retention. The study suggests that managers in the banking sector should focus on improving the perceived Working Environment and career development plans for employees at various levels. By addressing these aspects, organizations can enhance employee satisfaction and, subsequently, retention. The study underscores the importance of strategic interventions in Working Environment and Career Development to align with organizational goals effectively.

Keywords: Working Environment (WE), Career Development (CD), Job Satisfaction (JS), Employees Retention (ER), Banking Sector.




How to Cite

Intricacies of Employee Retention: Unraveling the Interwoven threads of Work Environment, Career Development and Job Satisfaction. (2024). Journal of Business and Management Research, 2(2), 1110-1136.