Electronic Human Resource Management (E-Hrm) Configuration For Organizational Success: Inclusion Of Employee Outcomes As Contextual Variables
Systems supporting electronic human resource management, or e-HRM have developed by streamlining HR processes, enhancing employee experience, and improving organizational outcomes. However, Systems for managing electronic human resources (e-HRM) have emerged as an essential tool in configuration and alignment with organizational goals and employee needs. An independent variable e-HRM uses employee performance Job satisfaction and dependent variable for Organizational performance. When obtaining sample information for the purposed on implementing e-HRM for organizational success, the methodology involves selecting representative subsets of employee data to analyze HR processes and understand areas for enhance. This process of that decisions regarding system customization and workflow optimization are based on accurate insights derived from a manageable dataset. for achieving success. One significant implication involves the inclusion of employee outcomes as contextual variables. By incorporating these outcomes, such as job satisfaction, engagement, and productivity, into the e-HRM framework, organizations can better align their human resource strategies with overall business goals. This alignment enhances decision-making processes related to recruitment, training, performance evaluation, and career development, leading to improved employee satisfaction and organizational performance. Additionally, the integration of employee outcomes into e-HRM systems facilitates a more holistic approach to human resource management, promoting a friendly work environment that fosters employee well-perform and encourages continuous improvement. Thus, by leveraging e-HRM with a focus on employee outcomes, organizations can optimize Their strategies to manage human capital, and eventually gain a long-lasting competitive edge in the fast-paced commercial world of today outcomes, organizations can optimize organization in e-HRM systems facilitates.
Keywords- Electronic Human Resource Management (E-Hrm) Configuration Organizational Success, Inclusion employee Outcomes.