Impact of Employee Job Insecurity and Work place Ostracism on Employee Work-life Balance


  • Dr. Syed Khalid Ahmed Hamdard University, Islamabad Campus
  • Mr. Faisal Masud Hamdard University, Islamabad Campus
  • Mr. Saad Baber Hamdard University, Islamabad Campus


This study investigates the intricate relationships of Job insecurity, workplace ostracism, and work-life balance. Job insecurity, workplace co-worker ostracism, and employee work-life balance are inter-twined concepts and can significantly influence employee well being and employee performance, that have been the subject of research in recent years. Job insecurity directly affects employee work-life balance and this study tested the impact of coworker ostracism as mediator between job insecurity and work-life balance. A sample of 304 respondents were collected to measure these variables and their connection. The study use self reported instrument and purposive convenience sampling technique to measure the employees job insecurities and its impact on the employees work life balance. SPSS version 25 is used for statistical analysis and Hayes process is employed for obtaining the results of mediation. The study finds that both the variables job insecurity and co-worker ostracism influence employee work-life balance. There is a noteworthy relationship between job insecurity and coworker ostracism and subsequently, ostracism mediates the relationship of job insecurity and work-life balance. The results of this study suggested that organizations must take proactive steps to foster a supportive and inclusive organisational culture and work environment by identifying the connections between job insecurity, coworker exclusion, and work-life balance. The study results found implications for individuals to actively look for assistance, communicate honestly with coworkers, and research stress-reduction and work-life integration techniques to enhance their depleting performance and achieve organisation objectives.

Keywords – job insecurity, coworker ostracism, work-life balance



How to Cite

Impact of Employee Job Insecurity and Work place Ostracism on Employee Work-life Balance. (2024). Journal of Business and Management Research, 3(3), 237-261.