Cultivating Innovative Work Behavior Through Error Management Climate: A Journey of Resilience and Growth of Pakistani Construction Industry


  • Ahsan Tahir PhD Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, Iqra University, Islamabad Campus
  • Dr. Sajeela Rabbani Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Iqra University, Islamabad Campus


The study aims to explore the relationship between Error Management Climate (EMC), Employee Resilience (ER), and Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) in the Pakistani construction industry. It seeks to understand how a supportive error management climate fosters resilience among employees and, in turn, promotes innovative behavior. The research addresses gaps in existing literature by emphasizing the mediating role of resilience and providing actionable insights for creating adaptive and growth-oriented organizational environments. This quantitative study used a time-lagged survey design to examine the relationships between EMC, ER, and IWB. This approach helped mitigate common method bias. Data were collected from employees and their managers in the Pakistani construction industry. Both managerial and non-managerial staff were targeted to capture diverse perspectives. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 402 participants. The data were then analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings confirm significant relationships between the constructs. EMC strongly influences ER and IWB. ER also significantly impacts IWB, mediating the relationship between EMC and IWB. The study provides actionable insights for the construction industry and similar error-prone sectors. It underscores the importance of cultivating an EMC that encourages open communication, learning from mistakes, and collaborative problem-solving, thereby reducing the fear of failure. These the findings emphasize the need for an integrated approach to organizational development, combining environmental (EMC) and individual (ER) factors to drive sustainable innovation and adaptability in complex, resource-constrained settings like the Pakistani construction industry.

Keywords:&nbspError management climate; employee resilience; innovative work behavior; construction industry.




How to Cite

Cultivating Innovative Work Behavior Through Error Management Climate: A Journey of Resilience and Growth of Pakistani Construction Industry. (2025). Journal of Business and Management Research, 4(1), 615-648.